Hello, everyone!
Here are some home health related updates for this week:
Amity Healthcare Group is proud to announce our new Skilled Nursing Virtual Competency Program.
Amity Healthcare Group has been providing in-person skilled nursing competencies in Denver, Colorado. Now, we are excited to extend our services nationwide in an efficient and compliant manner with our new Skilled Nursing Virtual Competency Program.
Our Skilled Nursing Virtual Competency Program will be accessible via Zoom video conferencing. It will consist of a live lecture, written exam, and skills demonstration and observation. The information will be delivered to participants by a qualified clinical educator in a synchronous manner. Participants will be able to interact with the instructor as well as perform return skills demonstration utilizing a skill set kit that will be mailed to participants prior to the scheduled competency. Upon completion of the competency, participants will also be awarded CEUs.
The program will be available on March 18, 2021.
Please follow our weekly email for additional announcements or call 303-690-2749 for additional questions.
Next available CNA/HHA is Tuesday, February 23, 2021 and Thursday, February 25, 2021 and Skilled Nursing Competency on Tuesday, February 23, 2021.
If you would like to register your Skilled Nurses and/or HHAs/CNAs for a competency, please follow the links below:
Skilled Nursing Competency: https://amityhealthcaregroup.com/services/nursing-competencies/
HHA/CNA Competency: https://amityhealthcaregroup.com/services/cna-hha-competency/
Let Amity Healthcare Group to assist you with staying compliant with competency and ongoing training/continued education requirements in a worry-free manner.
For more information, please call 303-690-2749 or email: ig@amityhealthcaregroup.com or schedule a meeting at https://calendly.com/ig–3/30-min-free-consultation.
On February 12, 2021, CMS announced a new web-based training event on Section N: Medications – Drug Regimen Review.
The course provides an overview of the assessment and coding of the Drug Regimen Review standardized patient assessment data elements (SPADEs) found in the Medications Section of the guidance manuals.
This is a 45-minute course that can be accessed on demand and is intended for providers in Home Health Agencies (HHAs), Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs), Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), and Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs)
Click here to access the training.
Home Health Documentation Checklist Tool
CGS has previously shared a great resource for home health providers- the Home Health Documentation Checklist Tool. If you have been utilizing this tool, please note that CGS has recently updated the tool to align it with the Change Request 12023, which updated home health policy by incorporating allowed practitioners (please see attached). If you have not previously utilized this tool, consider taking advantage of it, as it presents a valuable reference in assuring that your medical record is in full compliance and is ready for billing.
Notification from NAHC
On February 17, 2021 , NAHC provided notification of the claims processing issue that NACH became aware of. Please see below:
“NAHC has learned of a claims processing issue impacting many home health agencies Claims are not processing when the date for revenue code line 0023 on the RAP does not match the date on line 0023 on the final claim. There are two reason codes associated with the date mismatch, reason code 38107 and U5391.
One reason 38107 occurs is when the dates on the RAP and claim for line 0023 do not match. CMS confirmed for NAHC that the instructions permit line 0023 on RAPs for subsequent periods to be the first date of the period in order to assure timely submission of RAPs, however line 0023 on the claim must match that date. CMS permits the actual first visit date to be different than line 0023 on the claim, but line 0023 on the RAP and claim must always match.
Much of the confusion relates to the instructions in the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, chapter 10, section 40.2, that reads “For subsequent episodes, the HHA reports on the 0023 revenue code the date of the first visit provided during the episode/period, regardless of whether the visit was covered or non-covered.”
Agencies will need to correct line 0023 on the claim to match the RAP in order for claims with reason codes 38107 and U5391 to processes.”
Colorado EVV
Just a reminder that we are nearing March 1, 2021 date- the date when EVV prepayment claims review will be mandated and claims will deny without corresponding EVV
Beginning March 1, 2021, all claims submitted to the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) that require EVV records must be matched to a valid EVV record to pay.
- Claims without corresponding EVV will deny
- Claims expected to deny will appear in Remittance Advice as EOB Code 3054 “EVV Record Required and Not Found.”
In addition, HCPF announced, that effective January 23, 2021, outpatient OT, PT, ST, and PBT provided via telehealth (POS 02) do not require EVV.
Please note that Home Health Agencies providing PT, OT, and ST services via telehealth still require EVV records.
Vaccines for Home Health Patients
Home Care and Hospice Association of Colorado shared information about Douglas County exploring the possibility of providing COVID19 vaccines to Douglas County residents who are served by home health agencies. “This will be dependent on vaccine availability and the capability of the home health agency to work directly with nurses hired by the county to dispense vaccinations. The county anticipates the process will include the home health agency obtaining consent and documentation and providing scheduling details of upcoming visits to the county hired nurse can accompany/meet home health at the home and give the vaccination. Clients must fit in the current vaccine eligibility guidelines issued by the State of Colorado. The county is asking qualifying agencies to take this survey. “
Amity’s Friday emails (newsletters) will be archived on Amity’s Healthcare Group website at https://amityhealthcaregroup.com/resources/ under Weekly Newsletter section.
Please do not hesitate to reach out for any assistance or questions via email, phone or website at https://amityhealthcaregroup.com/resources/
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Thank you,
Irina Gorovaya, RN BSN, MBA
Amity Healthcare Group, LLC
Home Health Consulting, Education and Outsourcing Services
720-353-7249 (cell) 303-690-2749 (office) 720-398-6200 (fax)